RevivaMed Center for Integrative Medicine is committed to offering you the most current and natural treatments to optimize your health.
Understanding Your Primary Concerns
During your initial visit, Dr. Kohani will meet with you to carefully review and understand your primary concerns, health history, medical records, physical examination and any previous diagnostic studies. With this knowledge, Dr. Kohani begins the process of outlining how she can best address your health needs.
Detailed testing will be done on you to evaluate any hormonal or metabolic deficiencies. Dr. Kohani works with several specialized testing centers in order to rely confidently on the results and be able to individualize your treatment.
Female Medical Visit – Fee for Service
Detailed initial evaluation, discussion of your hormone profile and other test results, nutrition consultation, Thyroid evaluation, Cardiac risk reduction, general exam including breast and gynecologic exam if necessary and detailed therapeutic plan to help improve your symptoms without further delay.
- Cost of your blood or other tests is not included in your consultation fee.
- Cost of supplements is not included in your consultation fee.
- Follow up Visits: Fee for service
Male Medical Visit – Fee for Service
Detailed initial evaluation and review of symptoms, discussion of hormones and other test results, nutrition consultation, Cardiac risk reduction, prostate health evaluation, general exam and detailed therapeutic plan to improve your symptoms without further delay.
Cost of Blood or other testing is separate from your consultation fee.
Cost of supplements is not included in your consultation fee.
Follow up Visits: Fee for service
21 Day Detoxification Program for Weight Management: $250 including products
Medical Weight Management using individualized therapeutic options: Initial Visit $300, Follow up Visits $150
Your medical consultations and the time you spend with Dr. Kohani carefully reviewing your health condition and individualizing your treatment options is NOT billable to your insurance. Medical testing via blood and urine may be billable to your insurance and we make every effort to minimize cost of testing to you.